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Thermoforme L.R.Container lids

Plastic lids for waste and recycling dumpsters

Container lids

High resistance plastic dumpster lids

Our waste and recycling dumpster lids are manufactured with high-performance plastic resistant to UV rays, impacts, and environmental conditions.

Plastic container lids

Light and safe

Thanks to their composition, our waste and recycling dumpster lids are much lighter and safer than metal ones. Using our lids makes your products safer to handle for waste and recycling collection.

Our plastic lids are

12-year warranty

Our plastic lids are the ideal complement to finish assembling your residential, commercial, and municipal waste and recycling dumpsters. We are sure they will meet your highest quality standards. As proof, we cover our lids with a 12-year warranty!

Plastic container lids

100% recyclable

We care about the environment; our plastic lids are 100% recyclable.

Size and quantity of lids based on your needs

We provide a vast array of lids sizes that meet industry standards for waste and recycling dumpsters. There is no limit on the quantity you may order. We will meet your needs, whatever they are.

Top-load waste and recycling dumpsters

Sizes offered

Sizes offered for top-load waste and recycling dumpsters:

  • 36″ x 58″
  • 36″ x 48″
  • 36″ x 40″
  • 36″ x 24″
  • 31″ x 50″


Size offered for side-load waste and recycling dumpsters:

  • 16″ x 24″
  • 24″ x 30″
  • 30″ x 30″

Delivery in Canada and the United States

Your waste and recycling dumpster products can be delivered within 48 hours on request.